One of the most dangerous things that can happen to a horse is for it to come down with a case from equine colic. In fact, this disease is estimated to happen to one out of every 10 horses every year. Unlike the relatively benign colic that occurs in human babies, Equine colic can actually kill the horse because of its complications. Here is a little bit about equine colic and what can be done about it.

Equine colic is actually not a disease at all. It is simply the outward appearance of signs that tell us that the horse is having abdominal pain. The main term that this is referred to is colic but it really isn’t the same as the colic that human babies experience. Some of the outward signs that a horse is suffering from this sort of abdominal pain are if the horse is kicking, rolling on the ground or sweating without any real cause.

The digestive track that is found in a horse is actually fairly complex. Because a horse is such a large animal, it has yards of intestine that stretch from the stomach downward. It’s not a surprise that, from time to time, something goes wrong and a twist or turn occurs, causing the equine colic. There may be some underlying conditions that need to be looked into, however, in order to ensure the safety of your horse.

The main problem that may cause colic in your hose is a distention in the intestines. This restricts blood flow and can cause a whole host of problems. It can also be caused by an overproduction of digestive fluids, causing pain and burning (heartburn) in your horse. Either of these are relatively easy to treat but should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian as soon as the signs first appear.

Equine colic is not something that should be fooled around with. At the first sign that a problem is present, make sure that you have the horse checked to insure its safety. In a baby, colic typically goes away after some time; in a horse it can be fatal.

Colic Tip #1

Be Patient: Colic problems will lessen with age, so realize that things will get better in the future. In the mean time, try to stay calm, reassuring and loving. The best thing for your child is a well-rested parent.


Colic Tip #2

Feed Less But More Often: Whether breast feeding or bottle feeding, try feeding a baby with colic half as much as usual and twice as often. Little tummies can’t handle getting too much too fast and the breakdown of lactose can cause an increase in intestinal gas.


Colic Tip #3

Enlist Help: One if the best things you can do if you have a colicky baby is to give yourself a break and get away from it all. Get your spouse, parents, aunts, uncles or even a babysitter to lend a hand for a while so you can rest and recharge your batteries.