If you have never had kidney stones, consider yourself fortunate. They are perhaps one of the most painful things that person can experience. I know many people that have had kidney stones who ended up in the hospital for a week or more because of the pain that they were experiencing. For me, personally, my pain came and went fast enough that it did not warrant going to the hospital. There are two different types of kidney stone pain that you can feel. One of them is a constant pain and the other is more of a spasmodic pain that is known as renal colic.

The pain that is associated with a kidney stone is not because the kidney stone is large, necessarily. It is actually because the stone is moving from the kidney down into the bladder. Whenever this happens, the stone tends to tear the flash along the way, causing extreme pain. When a person has renal colic, they may have it in one of two different ways. There is kind of a dull ache, which may be treated with some aspirin or perhaps a stronger painkiller and there is also an acute ache. If you ever have to experience the acute ache, you can know that you have felt one of the strongest pains that can be felt by a human being.

The type of pain, as well as the extent that it affects you, is generally determined by the size of the kidney stone that is moving through your body. Of course, a larger stone would tend to cause more tearing, and therefore more pain. Depending on the amount of pain you’re feeling, there are several different treatments that they may use for renal colic. On rare occasions, it may be able to be treated with over-the-counter pain medications. More than likely, your doctor will prescribe a stronger pain medication along with some other drugs that may help to stop inflammation involved. It might also help if you were to lie on your side or use a hot water bottle on the affected area.

Colic Tip #1

Be Patient: Colic problems will lessen with age, so realize that things will get better in the future. In the mean time, try to stay calm, reassuring and loving. The best thing for your child is a well-rested parent.


Colic Tip #2

Feed Less But More Often: Whether breast feeding or bottle feeding, try feeding a baby with colic half as much as usual and twice as often. Little tummies can’t handle getting too much too fast and the breakdown of lactose can cause an increase in intestinal gas.


Colic Tip #3

Enlist Help: One if the best things you can do if you have a colicky baby is to give yourself a break and get away from it all. Get your spouse, parents, aunts, uncles or even a babysitter to lend a hand for a while so you can rest and recharge your batteries.